Thursday, March 15, 2012

Reading habit to help you grow

Reading is the best way to keep up with the pace of modern world. In my mother tongue there is a poem which says ‘If you read you will grow, if you don’t read you will bend”. This is a highly relevant lines in modern context. Even if you have a great job and security if you do not read you will lose your way. So try to read at least one book and two magazines every month.
The books below will help you to improve yourself.
Great philosophy and presentation. one of the most amazing novels of 20th century. A must read I would say.
Read this book to find true potential of your brain
it is a kind of speed mathematics techniques. If properly used, it can improve your  calculation considerably. Usually the students preparing for GMAT,CAT,MAT,GRE and other competitive exams study these techniques in depth to save time in exams. Learning vedic maths and practicing it is a good exercise for brain and it will keep you sharp.
Thinking slow and fast by Daniel Kahneman- The name tells everything.

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